Stefan Jünger
Stefan Jünger
Data, Code & Software
Stefan Müller
That’s me and my name before I got married.
Die Sozial-Raumwissenschaftliche Forschungsdateninfrastruktur SoRa: Potenziale und Implementierung
Investigating social and ethnic inequality by linking survey data to geospatial data
Räumliche Verknüpfung georeferenzierter Umfragedaten mit Geodaten: Chancen, Herausforderungen und praktische Empfehlungen
Der Halo-Effekt in einheimisch-homogenen Nachbarschaften: Steigert die ethnische Diversität angrenzender Nachbarschaften die Xenophobie?
The Halo-Effect in Homogeneous Neighborhoods: Does the Ethnic Diversity of Bordering Neighborhoods Increase Xenophobia in Germany?
Poster: Do Individual Coping Resources Moderate the Effect of Traffic Noise Exposure on Physical and Mental Health? Results from the Georeferenced German General Social Survey 2014
Geocoding and Spatial Linking of Survey Data: An Introduction for Social Scientists
Code/Syntax: ''Der Halo-Effekt in einheimisch-homogenen Nachbarschaften/ ''The Halo-Effect in Homogeneous Neighborhoods''
The Past, Present and Future of Geocoded Survey Data at the GESIS Data Archive
Studying the influence of the direct living environment: examples with the georeferenced German General Social Survey 2014
Beispiel des Zensus 2011
Implementing an infrastructure to georeference survey data at the GESIS Data Archive
Conceptualizing a Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Social Sciences: : An example from Germany
Conceptualizing a Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Social Sciences: An Example from Germany
georefum - An R-Package for processing and linking of spatial data within the GeorefUm project at GESIS
Preserving the Essence: Identifying the Significant Properties of Social Science Research Data
Georeferenced Survey Data at the GESIS Data Archive
The analysis potential of georeferenced survey data
Paving the way for data-centric, open science. An example from the social sciences
datorium: Sharing Platform for Social Science Data: Deposit and Publish Research Data for Better Visibility
Konzept für die Definition signifikanter Eigenschaften von sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsdaten
Poster: datorium. A data sharing service for publication and re-use of social science research data
Poster: Offen, einfach, sicher: datorium
datorium: we make your data feel at home
A rose is a rose is a rose? Defining significant properties of social sciences research data
Regionalisierung durch Georeferenzierung in der Sozialforschung