Download the 1 km² attribute for the German Census 2011 immigrant rate, which has the German name Auslaender_A. Then, download the data for the vacancy rate (German name: Leerstandsquote) using the same raster resolution. Make sure to properly define missing values.
The function for downloading is z11::z11_get_1km_attribute(), and the one for listing all attributes of this size is z11::z11_list_1km_attributes(). There, you can also see both of the layer names.


Crop both datasets to the extent of Berlin (or any other big German city if you want to).
You can use the osmdata:getbb() function and the argument format_out = "sf_polygon" to receive a proper polygon for this purpose. Make sure only to extract the multipolygon and convert it to EPSG:3035.


That’s an open exercise: How would you try to conduct a basic correlational analysis of both raster data attributes?
You can coerce the whole raster data into a matrix using terra::as.matrix(x)