History Plotting repeats. Let’s dive into ggplot2 and repeat what we’ve done in base R using the “grammar of graphics”.

Here’s the Allbus 2021 data again.

## Warning: Paket 'haven' wurde unter R Version 4.1.3 erstellt
allbus_2021_dvI <- 
  ) %>% 
  sjlabelled::set_na(na = c(-1:-99, 97, 98))


Create a scatter plot for the variables pa01 (political_orientation) and fr03b (children suffer under working mothers).
Remember the order of layers: data + aesthetics + geoms


Add some jitter to the scatter plot.
In contrast to the base R function jitter does not have to be added; it just replaces the original geom using geom_jitter()


Boxplots are boring, right? Try to plot the relationship between pa01 (political_orientation) and fr03b (children suffer under working mothers) as a violin plot! Have a look here for reference: https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/

What’s the difference to a boxplot?
You can’t find the proper geom? Try geom_violin().