In this final set of exercises for the second data wrangling session, we want to work with factors and conditional recoding.
The packages we need here are the same as before
, tidyverse
, haven
plus the naniar
As in the previous exercises, to be on the safe side, we can import the data once more.
allbus_2021 <- read_sav("./data/allbus_2021/ZA5280_v1-0-0.sav") %>%
). The factor levels
should be the English translations of the first five value labels listed
in the codebook: “Married and living with spouse”, “Married and living
separately”, “Widowed”, “Divorced”, “Unmarried”. Note: For
simplicity, we only want to focus on five categories here.
function we need to use here (in combination with
) is recode_factor()
allbus_2021 <- allbus_2021 %>%
mutate(mstat_fac = recode_factor(mstat,
`1` = "Married and living with spouse",
`2` = "Married and living separately",
`3` = "Widowed",
`4` = "Divorced",
`5` = "Unmarried"))
that has the value/level “unmarried” if the
respondent is not and has never been married and “is or has been
married” otherwise. Note: For creating the new factor variable,
we can use the as.factor()
function from
base R
function from base R
allbus_2021 <- allbus_2021 %>%
mutate(unmarried = as.factor(
ifelse(mstat == 5, "unmarried", "is or has been married")
) named inc_cat
with the
following levels: “up to 1499 Euro”, “1500 to 2499 Euro”, “2500 to 3499
Euro”, “3500 to 4499 Euro”, “4500 to 5499 Euro”, “5500 to 6499 Euro”,
“more than 6500 Euro”.
from dplyr
for the
conditional recode based on the numeric income variable and combine it
with factor
from base R
for creating an
ordered factor. We can also use the between()
function we have encountered in the first data wrangling session
with(in) case_when()
. NB: For the levels
to be in the correct order, we need to specify this within the
allbus_2021 <- allbus_2021 %>%
mutate(inc_cat = case_when(
di01a < 1500 ~ "up to 1499 Euro",
between(di01a, 1500, 2499) ~ "1500 to 2499 Euro",
between(di01a, 2500, 3499) ~ "2500 to 3499 Euro",
between(di01a, 3500, 4499) ~ "3500 to 4499 Euro",
between(di01a, 4500, 5499) ~ "4500 to 5499 Euro",
between(di01a, 5500, 6499) ~ "5500 to 6499 Euro",
di01a > 6499 ~ "more than 6500 Euro"
)) %>%
mutate(inc_cat = factor(inc_cat,
levels = c("up to 1499 Euro",
"1500 to 2499 Euro",
"2500 to 3499 Euro",
"3500 to 4499 Euro",
"4500 to 5499 Euro",
"5500 to 6499 Euro",
"more than 6500 Euro"),
ordered = TRUE))